- Conditions regarding intellectual property
Porn4u2hub puts at users’ disposal, for free, materials exclusively destined to adults, so that the user benefits from them, on his own and exclusive responsibility, in such a way that he does not harm the rights of a third party under no circumstances.
The website and its content are protected by international laws regarding copyrights. Porn4u2hub does not allow illegal activities by using the websites, including activities violating intellectual property rights. Any violation of this condition will attract your exclusive legal or civil responsibility. The user is responsible for the lawfulness of using Porn4u2hub and any materials offered by the website.
The website and its content: software, brands, logos, graphics, texts, audio or video files, photographs, drawings, and databases, as well as any other materials posted on the website, are protected by international legislation regarding copyright. It is strictly forbidden to use the Porn4u2hub logo or associate with the Porn4u2hub name without first obtaining our written agreement. Unauthorized copies, as well as any intervention, transformation or modification of the software that lies at the base of the website, without the authorization of the person that owns the software copyright, are strictly forbidden.
It is forbidden to use the Porn4u2hub logo or associated with the Porn4u2hub name without first getting our written permission. The Porn4u2hub website and its whole content, the full collection of quotes in any of the forms found on the website, software, brands, logos, graphics, texts, audio or video files, photographs, drawings, and databases, as well as any other materials posted on the website, are protected by copyright law and belong to Porn4u2hub or its partners.
Porn4u2hub does not allow illegal activities by using the website, including activities that violate intellectual copyright. You do not have the right to upload files that contain illegal data, that were obtained in ways that break the law, that violate confidentiality agreements or copyrights of other persons. Moreover, any information and material obtained in any way from the website must be used according to the applicable laws. Any violation of this conditions draws your exclusive civil or legal responsibility.
Please make sure that when you take over and upload in any way files and any other materials on the website, you do not violate any intellectual property right or any other rights belonging to third parties. When the materials uploaded on the Porn4u2hub website were taken over from other websites, you agree to and accept the policies of the respective website regarding the takeover and the usage of the respective data and materials.
We ask you to read and respect the terms and conditions, as well as any other documents regulating the conditions of use from the respective websites, or else you risk violating the takeover and use conditions of the respective data and materials and you can be sanctioned. The legal conditions for using the data and the content has taken over from other websites can vary, depending on the current laws in the user’s country or the laws that are applicable to the owner of the source website. You are obliged to inform about these legal conditions and respect them.
Using the materials provided by the website is limited to personal and non-commercial use, according to the terms of the present agreement. It is forbidden to reproduce (in any other way than for personal use), publish, transmit, distribute, publicly display, rent or modify, create derivative works, sell or exploit in any way, fully or partially, directly or indirectly, any of the provided materials. The user/contributor bears the full responsibility for all actions connected to the data downloaded from third-party websites and uploaded on Porn4u2hub. The user/contributor bears responsibility for the lawfulness of using Porn4u2hub.
Porn4u2hub offers only the technical platform, acting exclusively as a supplier of a technical product in the field of informatics. Porn4u2hub does not take responsibility towards the user/contributor or any third party for the lawfulness of the introduced data. Nevertheless, using Porn4u2hub without respecting the current laws, especially those regarding intellectual property, can lead to you being banned the services of Porn4u2hub, and when we are notified of these practices, we can take all the steps required for you having the access to the website blocked without any preliminary notification.
- Notification in case of copyright violation
Should you consider that your copyright was violated by improper usage of the Porn4u2hub website, we encourage you to send us a notification in which you signal the copyright violation, offer exact data of illegal usage and proof of the fact that the respective violation was of your rights.
The notification must include data that allow the identification of copied work, the website/link from where you claim it was taken, brief, yet convincing evidence that supports the fact that is you who hold the copyrights on the work or proof that you act on behalf of the copyright holder, as well as a statement on your own account that you take the risk of supporting the sanctions imposed should you not act on good faith. The notifications will be sent to porn4u2hub@gmail.com.
When the aforementioned notification is received, the administrator and/or owner of Porn4u2hub will make all efforts in order to immediately fix the situation, remove the protected work and, should it be the case, identify the user that incorrectly used the product, thus violating the respective rights and will try to block the user’s future access to Porn4u2hub.
According to the international laws regarding copyrights, Porn4u2hub is obliged to remove from the website the material that was the object of the violation in maximum 3 days after the notification was received. Should the notification turn out to be abusive, the material will be reuploaded on the website in maximum 7 days, and the responsible person will have the access to Porn4u2hub.com restricted, as well as any other sanctions that are applicable, according to the law.
Latest update: April 14, 2017.